Project Description
About Axia NetMedia Corporation
FibreNet is Axia’s way of doing business. The sell fast, reliable transport services using the most intelligent data management systems to deliver maximum performance at every moment on our networks.
They focus on rural communities to bridge the digital divide. They build the most reliable digital infrastructure – resulting in clear economic, communication, and educational benefits in these communities. Their customers are in Alberta, Massachusetts, and as far away as France!
For more than a decade now, the company focused its business on areas where access to high-bandwidth fibre infrastructure did not exist. Their success has been the ability to develop networks using the most technologically advanced, expertly engineered fibre technology to provide customers with superior performance and control.
Amount: $2.0 Million
Type: Secured Term Loan
Purpose: Recapitalization
Head Office: Calgary, Alberta
Ownership: Public
Date: December 2003